Monroe Institute Focus Levels

A brief description of the different states of consciousness that one can experiment with Hemi-Sync® during the Monroe Institute programs:

Focus 1 is a state of consciousness where the mind is totally awake in the Here/Now within Earth Life space/time system.

Focus 10 is a state where the physical body is deeply relaxed, so much so that the physical signals from the five senses are greatly reduced. The mind remains awake and alert and the physical body asleep.

Focus 11 permits us to program the mind to control physical, mental and emotional functions for use at any moment during the day. This is the state that Monroe considered his most important contribution to personal development and he used it until the last day of his life. It is called the “access channel” since it gives access to our Total Self in a very special way and often permits us to receive information of this other part of us.

Focus 12 is a state of deep bodily relaxation, where the mind begins to perceive that which normally would come in a restricted way through our physical signals to the brain. One begins to understand the freedom of human consciousness in relation to the physical body.

Focus 15 permits having the conscious experience of No-Time, with a progressively greater separation between consciousness and the signals from the physical body, a state similar to phases of deep sleep – but the mind stays awake.

Focus 18 works in unconditional love energy to increase this vibration in ourselves and use it in daily life with those close to us.

Focus 21 is the edge of human perception of time-space, equivalent to very deep sleep, while the mind continues to be totally conscious and active.

Focus 22 is human mind’s frontier between time-space and other states of non-physical. It is a place of random, unfocused and uncontrolled thought. It is often experienced as a slight shift of vibration.

Focus 23 is the human condition immediately after physical death. It is a very active area, full of human minds that previously were physical and that are now in various states of confusion, emotion, of feeling stuck, and at times, states of waiting or curiosity.

Focus 24 is a place of non-physical activity generated by simple or primitive systems of religious belief. As in all belief systems on a non-physical level, there is little perception, only a flash or shadow if one is not familiar with the belief.

Focus 25 is the expression of the beliefs of the main organized religions of recent human history. Very different in their activities, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Moslem and others, complete with several denominations of the same, are here. The visitor in these areas will be attracted only to those which have been or are a strong element in the structure of physical life. Others will be less coherent patterns of energy, different according to the direct knowledge of each person, their experience and interests.

Focus 26 identifies narrow areas after death that contain the structures and knowledge of several individualized beliefs and are based on the direct experience of being. Some are composed of no more than two or three individuals. The high selectivity is the main factor regarding the perception of and admission to these sectors. Pure consciousness is the beginning and entry point of the majority of these unique and exclusive systems.

Focus 27 is the edge of human thought capacity in its present state of organization. It is the place of a reception center for rest and recovery from the trauma of physical death. At times it is known as the Park due to its configuration made in this image by human thought. In the neutral, but familiar atmosphere, with trees, bushes, flowers, waterfalls, walking paths and benches, designed to facilitate movement to the other state of existence, those that have just experienced the process of physical death come or are brought here by helpers to recover from traumas that this transition might have caused.

Focus 34/35 is the state to connect with the group of beings that Bob Monroe referred to as the Gathering, who are observing the Earth during these times of change.

Focus 42 is the state of consciousness to explore the solar system, our galaxy, and our I/There.

Focus 49 is a state of consciousness in which it is possible to explore beyond our galaxy and the I/There clusters and Cluster Council.